They Say It’s My Birthday!

This just in…I’ve been informed that on Tuesday my blog had a birthday.  One year ago I took a leap and decided to open myself up to a new kind of social media.   At first, I was nervous and very careful.  In fact my first post was called “Off the Line” and all I did was type a sentence.   “Car Books for Kids” hopefully inspired gear heads to read to their children.  My post listing 30 Crazy Car Rules was meant to make my audience think twice about the way people treat their cars.  Over the span of this past year I’ve hit the Publish button 90 time, once accidentally.  My followers include folks from India, the UK and all across the United States.  46 of them are outright, 29 from Twitter, 74 from Face Book, and just as important there are 12 followers who choose to follow by comment only.   My stats tell me that has been touched by over 30 countries. It has received 567 comments, 6061 views, and  3 awards.  Though hard to understand, I’ve felt more accomplishment than success.  Great joy was filed away after posting two of my favorite pieces…one about Jon and the other about Mike.    I’ve enjoyed talking about my dad, my mom, my brother, Shook, and bittersweet as it was about Miela.  Finally, this past year has meant the world to me, because of the support I’ve received.  Knowing that people are in my corner, share/appreciate my interests, and simply post a comment or hit the like button because they know how much it means to me has been priceless.  Thank you for following my blog and adding to my enthusiasm for the world of cars, and the world itself.  I dedicate this post on 12/4/13 to Miela Hughes and Paul Walker.

About Debbie

Love cars, love writing, love family...that about does it.
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12 Responses to They Say It’s My Birthday!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday! And many more!!


  2. Anonymous says:

    Oops! Somehow posted the earlier comment without my name :/



  3. Happy belated birthday. Time has flown by and seems only 5 minutes ago when I first found your great little blog. Looking forward to the next year and beyond. All the very best from your number one fan across the pond. 🙂


  4. …And Many More!

    Cheers from Texas!


  5. Yvonne, the BFF says:

    Happy Birthday, my fabulous BFF–as always, I am SO proud of you & your accomplishments!!!


  6. congratulations Debbie it has been a pleasure to get to know a part of you and for the support you e sent my way too. On Christmas my log will also be a year old 🙂

    Like know you want to!